Take care of your skin in the Summer

What better way to radiate beauty from the inside out? However this can be a challenge, especially with rising temperatures and harsh weather conditions. But by implementing some of the advice listed below, we’ll help you achieve that.

Follow a healthy diet which takes into consideration any food intolerance you might have, and keep the focus on including whole grain products, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit,

as well as healthy fats and lean sources of protein.

Up your vitamin intake

Eating foods high in Vitamin C but low in saturated fats and carbohydrates might keep your skin looking younger longer.

Stay Hydrated

Summer heat can leave your body overheated and dehydrated which reflect on your skin; however, several meals and snack options can help to reduce your core temperature and keep you hydrated during hot Summer months.

Drinking plenty is very important for healthy skin. Try getting six to eight

glasses a day and maybe more during the summer months or if you are very active.

Water, herbal tea, unsweetened beverages all count. Fruit juice and smoothies also count

towards your fluid consumption, although they are a source of free sugars, so depending on your goals you should adjust your intake.

Flavour up your water by adding some fresh mint leaves, lemon or grapefruit slices.

Focus on whole foods

Summer is the best time to increase your fruit and vegetable intake with fresh produce

from local farmer’s markets and grocery stores. Fresh fruit, vegetables and lean protein options provide essential nutrients that fuel and cool your body throughout the summer.

Variety is key. The most important food tip is to choose a wide range of foods. No one food or food group can supply all the nutrients that our skin and bodies need. The evidence from lots of studies shows that following healthy eating guidelines will ensure all the vital nutrients for skin health and anti-ageing. What is more, a healthy balanced diet provides a rich supply of antioxidants which are thought to help protect and repair our skin from pollutants that could cause it damage. Enjoying a healthy balanced diet including at least 5-a-day of a variety of fruits and vegetables, build your meals by choosing a variety of foods from each food group in the right proportions.

The Good Fats

Consume More Omega-3 Fatty Acids from a variety of sources, including:

•Fatty fish such as salmon, albacore tuna, halibut, mackerel and sardines

•Ground flaxseeds or flax oil

•Nuts, including Walnuts and Macadamia

A Sweet Treat

What about chocolate? There is good news for the chocolate lovers – there is no strong

evidence to show that chocolate causes acne. On the contrary, Cocoa in its raw form can be considered a superfood. Dark chocolate even provides more of those

antioxidants that may help give skin protection. If your focus is skin, try to get your hands on dark chocolate, or chocolate without added sugar or alternatively sweetened with natural sources.

Get Active!

A good exercise routine including activity that gets the heart racing such as dancing,

running or fast walking will improve blood flow to the skins surface and will give your skin a

rosy glow. Sweat it out, boost those endorphins and detox your body from the inside out.

Keep your micronutrients in check

It may be reassuring to know that no whole foods should be completely avoided and there are also no special foods that have to be eaten for a healthy glow. Certain vitamins and minerals have an important role to play in skin health such as vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, vitamin E, zinc and selenium. If you don’t get enough of these it could cause medically recognized skin problems. However, the good news is that a varied diet provides all these nutrients. Just keep an eye on minimizing processed foods with added sugars since these have a negative impact on your overall system

A Little Extra Help needed?

What about supplementation? Food and drink will always be the best way to give our skin and our bodies the nutrients it needs. While certain nutrients are important for skin health it

doesn’t mean more is better. If you are following a varied and balanced diet there is no need

for any supplementation. However, if you are concerned that you may not be getting all your

essential nutrients from your food you should speak to your GP and see if you need referring to a dietitian.

Now that we have covered what to include, let’s take a look at the don’ts, since they might have a negative effect on your skin, causing wrinkles, dryness and dehydration:

•Smoking – Research shows that smoking speeds up the normal ageing process of skin.

•Too much exposure to the sun and sun beds (especially on fair skin)

•A poor diet – processed foods and added refined sugar.

•Lack of sleep and too much stress – Make time for relaxation and sleep Research has shown that too much stress can affect our skin health. In our fast moving pace of life, making regular time for relaxation is something we can often forget to do. Plenty of sleep is needed to help prevent your skin looking older and tired.

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